STEAM Ahead!
is an original program series created and produced by the Tampa Bay Arts & Education Network (TBAE), to showcase science, technology, engineering and math education around the Tampa Bay area.
A secondary goal is to create a catalyst for discussion of art education inclusion (the A) when teaching these topics. TBAE believes that art education helps to develop minds capable of creative solutions to today’s problems and offers an alternative and fun way to make STEM learning more approachable to kids.
The Tampa Bay Arts & Education Network is proud to annouce STEAM Ahead! was a Bronze Telly Winner in the 40th Annual Telly Awards for 2019.
For cable showtimes in Hillsbrough County on Spectrum and Frontier FiOS cable, please refer to TBAE's Broadcast Schedule.
Sponsorship opportiunuties are available for this program!
Please contact Jessica Sturges, TBAE's Director of Development for more information. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (813) 254-2253 ext. 702.